All successful people share one powerful characteristic: hunger — a desire for personal development, growth and progress. Seeking out the most effective resources help them attain, and maintain, your goals and dreams. Be among those who do. Be among those who achieve their wildest potential. With the help of a Keith Waggoner seminar, you will create your own success story.



UM 1 – APRIL 11 – 13, 2025 in Wichita Falls, Texas

This is Dr. Keith’s Premier Life Changing Event.

If you are a man between the ages of 18 & 80 who wants to Carve Out a New and Better Vision of your Life… then this event is for you!

Imagine being surrounded by super successful men who know Millions of Dollars isn’t enough… they want MORE!!! They want Purpose & Responsibility… They MUST have a Masculine Pathway to Strength, Competency, and Vision!

Come and let us be in your Corner… You will learn how to Box from some of the best Martial Arts & Navy SEAL instructors in the World…

Experience what it’s like to Call out the internal saboteurs that have “kicked your ass” all of your life… You will call them out and WIN!!! You will create a new Champion Contract that will Neurologically change the way the programs of your Brain Work. You will leave an UNDISPUTED CHAMPION!!!


UM 2January 30 – February 1, 2026 in Henrietta, Texas – For Grads of UM1 – More information soon!

Dr. Keith and Tuhon Harley have created one of the most successful Men’s Events in the WORLD!


To live like a Champion is to THINK, SPEAK, and ACT like a Champion. In order to be the Reigning Champion of your Life… We will Forge Your neuropathways to:

  • Create a New Story of Meaning for Every Failure and Victory
  • Teach you about the Hero’s Journey and Archetypical Manhood Stages to Identify and Create your Greatest Breakthroughs.
  • You will Craft Fire, Build Relationships that will last a Lifetime, and Experience what it’s like to be Capable, Dangerous, and Competent all with a Humble Attitude of Gratitude for your Newfound Abilities.

Your Life will never be the Same!!! WE MEAN IT!!!


UM 3 – January 29 – 30, 2027 in Wichita Falls, Texas – For Grads of UM 1 & 2
Every Champion MUST defend their Title… You can’t just sit back in your accomplishments and expect nothing to go wrong.  We are in a battle… Everyday we face hardships, crashing economies, injuries, and the unexpected challenge.
The Ultimate Champions Event is designed to prepare you for the next chapter of abundance in your Life’s Journey. We test your Goals, Visions, & Plans in the Core 8 Categories of Life. And assist you in developing rock solid response patterns to any situation that may arise.
How??? Good Question… By review and re-creating your Values, Principles, Protocols, and Priorities of the Man you MUST be… Not only to defeat the enemies that lurk outside your door… But also to propel you into the next stage of Success and Fulfillment.


Nothing creates change like Intensity. Turn Decades into Days by diving into your life and performance with Dr. Keith.
World Leaders bring Keith into their innermost worlds to strategize on the decisions, plans, and pathways to take their responsibilities into the next level of success in Business, Marriage, Relationships, Performance, and Leadership.


Train like the most advanced & Elite Teams in the world. Breakthrough whatever holds you back to develop A.Q. (Adaptability Quotient) so that you can be successful under the most stressful of life environments.

Contact us for more information and individual scheduling and to be added to the vetting process list. Time Slots are Limited.


Tuhon (Grand Master) Harley is world renown as a trainer to the Tier One Military and Law Enforcement Teams. He has achievements that no other martial artist in the world has accomplished. Tuhon has over 40 years of group and private instruction experience.
Contact him to see how intensive Martial Arts, Combat, and Leadership training can transform your Life!

all sales are final

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